
PULSEC provides companies with optimized solutions and services in information security. Thanks to the comprehensive analysis and leading solutions we provide, our clients have strategic access to the protection of their resources.




Companies are at constant risk of compromising and losing data, compromising the services they provide, losing money and reputation. Recovering from cyber-attacks and rebuilding trust with end-users is complex, expensive, and time-consuming. To reduce business risks, companies are increasingly paying attention to creating proactive security strategies, and they need expert support along the way.

PULSEC is your trustworthy partner, ready to help you create a cybersecurity strategy tailored to your business and analyze vulnerabilities and risks within your organization. Our expert cybersecurity team will then design and implement the best cybersecurity solutions in your IT environment and make your growing business paths safer.

To protect your business, we apply an architectural cybersecurity model that includes layered protection at all key points of your information system and integrating various IT security solutions into a single system. This protection model has proven to be the best in modern cybersecurity practice. It provides complete visibility of traffic in your network, granular control, fast and efficient protection against all security threats, and detailed analysis and forensics in case of an attempted attack.







Critical infrastructure includes all industry branches of strategic importance for the functioning of a state. This notion varies from country to country, but several industries, such as electricity generation and distribution, water supply and water treatment, mining, air and rail traffic, are always critical.

With the widespread use of IoT technologies in the automotive industry, smart cities, smart grid networks, medicine, and home and personal devices connected to the Internet, there are increased risks that can drastically affect the security of people and vital resources. There is a significant difference in the risks and consequences of an attack on ICS or IoT networks compared to traditional IT networks.

In the case of unauthorized intrusions into IT networks, the consequences are more material in nature (disclosure of secrets, data, loss of money), while the consequences of attacks on critical systems are paralyzing the country and endangering human lives. That is why the protection of critical infrastructure is an absolute priority.

PULSEC team brings you different solutions in this area.