
Be successful in what you do.
Protect your business.


Computer Network

To secure network availability and reliability and preserve the integrity and privacy of your data, we use a multi-layer protection methodology at any network point potentially targeted by cyber-attacks. In this manner, we significantly decrease the maneuvering space to hackers, as well as risks to the whole business, protecting, at the same time, the reputation of your organization.

How do we protect different network layers? We apply optimal technologies for a specific type of attack on a particular part of the network. Apart from the basic firewall options, Next-Generation Firewall devices on network perimeters or in Datacenters also provide a broad set of Threat Prevention functionalities as the first line of defense of your organization. Database or web-application protection is secured through specialized database and web application firewall solutions, which are entirely adaptable to specific requirements of your applications. Zero-day attacks are neutralized by using sandboxing technologies, while network access control is done through network access control solutions. These protection elements in the digital economy area are not a question of choice. They have become a standard and mandatory need of modern organizations to optimally protect their business and reduce security risks.

Should you require upgrading your organization’s security to a new level, our experienced cybersecurity experts will be your trustworthy partner, helping you expand and optimize existing solutions or integrate new protection systems into a current system.


End-Point Protection...

For the last ten years, we have witnessed tectonic changes in how we operate thanks to technological development. Besides working remotely, people also use an increasing number of various end-point devices to efficiently and comfortably finalize our work tasks accessing corporate resources at any given moment from any location. This way of work includes certain risks, and the question is how to reduce them and protect the corporate ecosystem from frequent threats that come from end-point devices?

PULSEC offers various end-point security solutions that protect each device in the network and prevent data loss from the infected end-work station and the spreading of malicious software further through the network. Innovative solutions for the protection of end-user devices from our portfolio provide, among other things, compatibility analysis with corporate security policies. It means that only devices that fulfill security criteria have access to your corporate network, such as updated anti-virus software, encrypted disc, etc.

PULSEC recommends implementation of comprehensive protection at the end-point level, with the following basic functionalities:

  • Insider threat protection
  • Data loss protection
  • Application whitelisting
  • Disk, email, and endpoint encryption
  • Endpoint detection and response
  • Data classification
  • Network access control
  • Privileged user control


Data Security...

In highly competitive industries, data loss damages a brand’s reputation and undermines users’ trust. It can contribute to business failure, so organizations worldwide have increased their focus on protecting the most sensitive resources – data. 

PULSEC’s specialized solutions protect data from unauthorized access and damage throughout the life cycle and include data encryption, tokenization, and key management processes, protecting data in all applications and platforms.

Methods of data protection we use are:

  • Data Encryption
    Using a code for every separate part of data prevents access to encrypted data without the authorization key;
  • Data masking
    Masking off parts of data prevents revealing data to malicious sources from outside and decreases risks from misuse of sensitive company data by employees. For example, the first 12 digits of the credit card number can be hidden in the database;
  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
    DLP software uses business rules to classify and protect confidential and critical information so that unauthorized users cannot maliciously share, publish, or reveal them to endanger your organization’s business.


Zero Trust

Cloud computing brings organizations a value that shows in optimizing IT infrastructure costs and agile services applications, and enables them to be more competitive. However, each technology brings certain risks, for example, moving company data into the cloud.

Suppose you want to use all advantages of cloud computing and at the same time protect resources in your organization from unauthorized access, data theft, and other threats, choosing the right solution to protect your business in the cloud environment is crucial.

PULSEC Cloud Security solutions have all traditional (on-premise) IT protection functionalities, guaranteeing organizations maximum data protection and compliance with GDPR.

Solutions we offer:

CASB (Cloud Access Security Broker)

This Solution provides comprehensive protection of your business in the cloud and on-premise environment.

How CloudSOC reduces business risks?

  • Tests and analyzes thousands of applications in the cloud, regardless of whether they are server or mobile;
  • Follows, protects, and manages data and controls policies for sanctioned and non-sanctioned accounts in the cloud;
  • Prevents accidental or malicious loss of confidential data with integrated DLP protection and automatized classification;
  • Analyzes behavior (UBA) and automatically detects threats and risks from malicious insiders and advanced threats, and initiates mechanisms for risk mitigation;
  • Contains engines for machine learning for application and user behavior, transactional activities, and DLP;
  • Provides multi-regime supervision using cloud API, traffic processing in real-time, and input from various data sources.

Antimalware protection of virtual infrastructure

Comprehensive protection at the container level, cloud environment, and virtualized data centers 

Solutions for the hybrid cloud environment protection help you to:

  • Protect your critical servers and applications with advanced protection controls, including Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), integrity control, machine learning, application control, and many more;
  • Detect and block threats in real-time with minimal effect on performances;
  • Follow credibility of a website and protect your users from infected sites using the information of web reputation from a global database;
  • Send warnings and activate prevention after detecting suspicious or malicious activities;
  • Protect your resources from the latest threats using threat assessment;
  • Optimize costs by implementing one comprehensive solution with a unique operating console for physical, virtualized, and cloud environments;


Protection of Privileged

Critical infrastructure refers to all industry fields of strategic importance for the functioning of a state. Although this fact differs from country to country, specific industry fields are always classified as critical, e.g., production and distribution of electric power energy, water supply and water purification, mining industry, airway and railway traffic. The popularization of the IoT technology application in the automobile industry, Smart Cities, Smart Grid networks, medicine, and home and personal devices connected to the internet brought out increased risks that may significantly affect the security of people and other resources of vital importance. There is a significant difference in the risks and consequences of an attack on ICS or IoT networks compared to traditional IT networks.

In case of unauthorized intrusion into an IT network, the consequences are primarily of material nature (disclosure of business secrets, data, loss of money, etc.), while the consequences of attacks to critical systems are paralyzing to the country and endangering human lives. That is why the protection of critical infrastructure – ICS – is the absolute priority.

Although they originated before IT networks, ICS networks have remained unprotected for years because the need to integrate them with IT networks has never occurred. This means that non of the principles of cyber protection were considered during the process of their creation. ICS networks are mainly constructed and implemented without any encryption or authentication, appropriate architecture, and system anomaly detection. Such philosophy could be defined as “Insecurity by Design”.

Protection of critical and IoT infrastructure must be unique for each system. Still, solution design must not exceed or step out of the range of NIST and Purdue models for the protection of such systems. By upgrading these principles through modern solutions, we create a flexible solution that can endure any attack.